Ian in one of his first races in his "NEW" car, Angeliques slightly used Fiser, Madera Grand Nationals, 2001
Ian in his original Rice car, AFTER it was converted to an older classic midget body style, about 2000
Ian running the 1997 Fiser at Tri Valley in Sr Honda, 2004
Tri Valley again
In 2002, Ian won his FIRST RACE! He probably recieved as much recognition from this win as some get from winning a National Event!
Ian on the outside of the pole... same race he won.. raced around the outside!
Leading the pack on a restart
Still in the lead, pulling away from the white car
Prior to getting the checkered, Ian moved over a 1/2 a lap away from the competion
Leading and smiling... AQMA
Showing this picture again... Look close.. you can see his smile!
Coming around to finish his WELL deserved victory lap, Ian still clutches the flag tightly
Ian hands the flag back to Curt Biro
This shot and the next are of me talking to Geannie during Ian's winning race.. I am VERY nervous
I am nervous, because I am worried Ian will lose his lead on a restart, but he done good!
In Traffic
Ian getting weighed after a race, deep in thought. I love it when other people move the car for me
All legal, Dad is happy, Ian "Sleepy" Mitchell just yawns
Ian hates the bright sunlight.... and hot days mean.. HELMET HEAD
Ian running at California's oldest and best dirt QM Dirt Track, Capitol Speedway near Sacramento... under the lights
Ian on the trip to the races I think.. or maybe sitting in the truck. BB... (before braces)
Here is Ian's Rice car in its Original form prior to the new body, he is 5, and this is the lawn in Pacifica
Ian racing his home track... Baylands
Ian racing TriValley
Tri Valley
In the early days, we were DEFINATELY low buck.. either the old trailer or the back of my work truck
Ian on the car
Ian in the Fiser
Ian racing at the Pacific Coast Scotty Key Memorial Indoor races
Another shot of the indoor races
Ian in traffic, Tri Valley
Ian running the original car in Training at Baylands
Ian gives his comical speach at Baylands, thanking me for being there, and thanking his sister for being mad when he doesn't do well
Some random shots of the newly redone car at American
A whole bunch of race cars at American, Ian's is the oldest and up front
one last time....
Ian ran his Uncle Tommy's antique around Baylands with no other cars for a News Report on KTVU Channel 2
Another shot of driving the Antique
Coming around the corner at Capitols Dirt Track
Ian.. staging lanes... game face on?
It appears that sitting in the staging lanes is HOT
He must see something to eat...
Ian participating in the 2000 Pacifica Fog Fest
Ian leading the pack at Baylands
Coming into turn three at Capitol's Dirt Track
Buckleing Ian in for the 2001 Grands
Tri Valley
Staging Lanes at Madera, 2001 Grands
Ian sat in his first QM at 4 years old
We had this car three days before deciding the rear suspension was too funky and traded it for the other Rice car
Terra Nova Band 2007, Ian is in the upper left area
Getting ready to push off for Ian's first race in THREE YEARS. He has grown a bit
Out on the track at American, May 2008
Passing cars... American, May 2008
Leading the pack... American 2008
Getting ready to race at American... first time in three years
Our 2008 Sponsor... Phil Finer Refrigeration - Wine Cellar Specialists!